One of the most common mistakes we see with the positioning of fire exit signs is the sign above a doorway. The sign that should be used in most instances should be the arrow up, indicating progress forward from here (indicating direction of travel), and in the case of above a door means, progress forward and through from here.

However we commonly see the incorrect fire exit sign with down arrow. While this wrong sign is unlikely to cause too much confusion as to which way someone should go it is technically incorrect. The down arrow fire exit sign means progress down from here, and technically would only be positioned above a door if there was a change of level downwards immediately after the door way.

We do however appreciate that it can be quite confusing, find out more about where to position your fire exit signs here or call us for more advice on 01737 77 40 72

Fire Exit Signs form one of the most important parts of your emergency escape plan, they are used to correctly mark the most efficient escape routes. Careful positioning of the relevant fire exit signs, will assist evacuation in times of emergency. Every building will have it’s own unique layout and seeking advice from experts is always advantages when planning your escape routes. However there are certain common building layouts, that occur time and again and knowing which fire exit signs to place where can save lives.

In this post we cover some of the most common examples

Where should fire door signs be fitted on a door?

Fire door signs should be fitted on doors that are relatively close to eye level, so make sure that they’re as visible as possible. Most signs are fitted at around 1.5m in height, which is most visible for most people.

What height should fire exit signs be?

Fire Exit Signs inshould installed at a suitable height and in a position appropriate to the line of sight, taking account of any obstacles and in a visible location. When mounting the signs, the general requirements are: 

  • Signs mounted above doors should be between 2.0m – 2.5m above the floor.
  • Signs mounted on walls should be mounted between 1.7m and 2.0m above the floor

Do fire doors need signs on both sides?

It’s a requirement for fire doors to feature a ‘’Fire Door Keep Shut’’ sign on both sides of a single door. If using double doors, both doors require signs on both sides.

Fire Exit Signs On Stairs

Option 1: progress down to the right as viewed from in front of the sign. Sign sited on wall of half landing.

Option 2: progress down from here as viewed from in front of the sign. Sign can be suspended from the ceiling or could be mounted on the wall above the stair head.

Fire Exit Signs in Corridors and Building final Exits

Option 1: progress forward and through from here as viewed from in front of the sign positioned above door.

Option 2: progress to the left/right from here. Suspended at change of direction.

Option 3: progress forward and through from here as viewed from in front of the sign. Positioned above the door. Note: Outside the final exit (labelled 3) if the door can be obstructed a ‘Fire Exit Keep Clear‘ sign is needed on the outside of the door. This could be enhanced with the use of bollards or yellow hatching. If the door is the last door before exiting the building you may have a sign that reads ‘fire exit’ without the need for an arrow.

Fire Exit Signs Above doors

Option 1: progress forward and through from here as viewed from in front of the sign. Positioned above the door.

A common mistake here is to have a fire exit sign with the arrow pointing down, which means progress down from here, and technically would only be positioned above a door if there was a change of level downwards immediately after the door way.

Option 2: progress down to the left from here as viewed from in front of the sign. Positioned on the landing.

If you are still unsure of of where to position your fire exit signs please give us a call on 01737 77 40 72 to speak to one of our advisors or to arrange a site survey.