The HSE is reminding UK businesses that the new version of the health and safety law poster must be displayed from 5 April this year. Under the Health and Safety Information for Employees Regulations, all employers have a legal duty to display the approved poster in a prominent position in the workplace or to provide each worker with a copy of the approved leaflet, outlining British Health and Safety law, which has also been updated.
The new 2009 versions of the poster replace the versions published in April 1999 and have been updated after research showed that the old versions were visually unappealing and rarely read, according to HSE. The newer poster has been redesigned to be more readable and engaging, as well as reflecting changes in the law.
Each copy of the 2009 poster also incorporates a unique, serially numbered hologram in the bottom right hand corner to prevent mis-selling. Although first introduced in 2009, HSE set a five year transition period for replacing the 1999 poster and a leaflet with the newer versions, with a deadline of 5th April 2014.
The 1999 versions of the approved poster are no longer for sale. You can purchase the A3 Health and Safety Law posters here or for more information visit the HSE law poster page for more info.