No-one wants to go overboard about safety in schools, any more than they do about every day living elsewhere. And, of course, schools take the matter of safety for everybody involved – not only pupils, but also staff and visitors, who are equally important – very seriously.
However, it is worth reviewing not just the provision of, say, signage, but also how well it is understood. Stocksigns has a long tradition of innovation in school signage, (for example created new designs for laboratory safety signs some 15 years ago) and our latest schools catalogue has been developed to be particularly user-friendly throughout the school environment.
One such way is the use of friendly fonts and graphics which more easily grabs the attention of the pupils so that they more closely identify with the message. This helps comprehension.
Sign design for a large number of safety signs is more formally required by legislation and/or relevant British Standards. This is necessary to ensure consistency across all possible premises in which they might be used, for example fire exit signs and emergency escape signs.
Outside these sensible constraints, however, some imagination can be brought to bear, which reflects on a school’s individual ethos and style. So, a sign can be chosen from the Stocksigns catalogue or designed by the school, whether or not using our custom signage design expertise and experience, to produce something unique for your school.
Then not only will you have the assurance that you comply with the statutory requirements, you can have a signage system which is a little bit special to your school. You can enlist the creative spirit of the pupils (or even staff) which will give an even greater sense of achievement. For ideas, why not let us send you, if you don’t have one already please request a copy of “The Sign Catalogue“.