Sometimes a new or temporary building can look our of place in its surroundings, whether it is a bright colour, looks unappealing or just does not simply fit in with the environment.
An effective solution to this aesthetic problem is to camouflage your building in a vinyl wrap of your chosen design to make it fit in more with the environment. For example, a prefab building in the middle of a grassy retreat surrounded by woods, may look messy against the environment. However, with a bit of design and installation this building can be transformed into a log cabin.
For example, on a recent holiday, our sales and marketing director came across this building, which on closer inspection was found to be vinyl wrapped. The design tricks the eye and allows the building to become part of the environment.
It doesn’t just have to be this design either, the beauty of a vinyl wrap is that you can choose any design that you want for your build, as long as it’s repetitive so that the section can join seamlessly. Just think about how wallpaper goes together and take it from there.
Stocksigns can help you design and manufacture vinyl wrap for your building or even for walls within your building in order to provide some inspiration throughout the day. Contact us today for more information on your needs at or on 01737 77 40 72.