With the summer holidays around the corner, students can breathe a sigh of relief, and teachers can jet away for a much needed break. However, for some it’s a great time to take stock, plan for the new academic year ahead and think about changes that can be made to the school premises.

School holidays are an ideal time to carry out a school safety sign audit. The building, grounds and car parks will be easier to access during this time and provides the ideal opportunity to audit your school signage.

It’s a perfect time to make sure your signs are present, in good condition and conform to the latest legislation. Take the time to walk around your premises, include the playground, games areas or playing field and car & bike parks.  It may take a couple of trips round if you have a large or complicated building layout. Note all your existing fire and safety signs. Do you have all the necessary signs covered by legislation? While it isn’t yet a requirement to change all your existing safety signs to the new ISO 7010versions, the advice is not to mix signage from different legislative standards. Best practice recommends, if changes or additions are needed, updating to the most recent standard.

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School entrance sign School Identity

In many counties throughout the UK, schools are changing. Many are moving from first and middle schools to â€˜through’ primaries or becoming Academies. Thought will have to be given to how the new school will present itself, signage is the ideal way to communicate school identity messages. The start of a new term can be an anxious time for new pupils, clear way-finding signage can help to alleviate worries about getting lost in the new and strange school.

Stocksigns has been working with schools for many years building up an understanding of the unique challenges faced by teachers and local authorities. We have created some education sign resources to help schools get the best from their signage.

Information and way finding

Lost property school sign

Simple and effective wayfinding systems will help new students orientate themselves quickly. We offer a large range of school information signs to clearly mark areas around your school premises such as Classrooms, Library’s, entrances and offices.

Help teach organisation skills by clearly marking storage areas. Our primary school signs are available as standard in dark blue, green, light blue or red. If you’d like your own school colours, logo or any specialist design just let us know and we can create this for you as part of our custom service.



School holidays can also be a great opportunity to see if there is a need too increase security to your grounds or buildings. An empty school yard can be a tempting hangout so increasing security signage can be enough of a deterrent to keep school property vandalism free .

Signage Condition

What condition are your safety signs in? Safety signs over time can become dirty or damaged with environmental factors also playing a role in their condition. Signs in areas of high traffic can become dirty quickly. Make sure all signs are clean,clear and can be easily read.Where signs  are illegible and beyond cleaning they should be replaced them where necessary.

Stocksigns has been manufacturing school signs for the education industry for more than 50 years. As a result we have built up a wealth of knowledge on how schools can make the best use of their signs. We have brought together the best blog posts aimed at schools in this article to remind schools and colleges how to use and choose the right signs for them.

We have also got one of the largest dedicated schools signs catalogues on the market. Click on the catalogue cover below to view our huge range.

The Sign Catalogue is now available. Please visit our “Catalogue Request” page to request a copy.

Stocksigns is delighted to publish their new edition of the School Signs Catalogue. Available on-line, it boasts the most comprehensive range of safety signs for schools, along with “easy order” sign guides for the most commonly required custom-made signs for schools.

An ideal school reference guide for Head Teachers, Bursars, Local Authorities and Contractors. For more information or advice on our School signs ranges, view our online safety signs catalogue or call our Sales Team on 01737 77 40 72.

Stocksigns has long been famous for manufacturing good quality traffic signs, and boasts an extensive range. The importance of traffic warning signs is evident from their common place use but here is what RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) says about Traffic Signs and their use for protecting children.

RoSPA’s Traffic Signs Guide

Traffic signs are a common site through out our road network or where children have to cross, or walk adjacent to a road, to access a play area some form of traffic control is advisable. Whilst most measures are beyond the resources of the smaller authorities, the provision of general traffic warning signs advising motorists that they are approaching an area where children play is economic and is advised. There are standard signs available and in most cases the relevant highways authority will provide such signage.

Signs should be clearly visible from all approach directions and should be positioned sufficiently far away from te area to enable motorists, if necessary, to adjust their speed to an acceptable level. The signs should be placed so as not to be obscured by planting growth.

Speed limit signs not only (hopefully) reduce motorist’s speed but also raise their awareness of the presence of children.

As well as providing traffic signs care should be taken to ensure that planting, other road signs, or other roadside materials do not obscure sight lines for both motorists and pedestrian. This may mean keeping hedges and verges well cut back.

Stocksigns and RoSPA

Stocksigns is RoSPA (Royal Socisty of the Prevention of Accidents) official safety signs partner. Read more about our safety signs partnership.

No-one wants to go overboard about safety in schools, any more than they do about every day living elsewhere. And, of course, schools take the matter of safety for everybody involved – not only pupils, but also staff and visitors, who are equally important – very seriously.

However, it is worth reviewing not just the provision of, say, signage, but also how well it is understood. Stocksigns has a long tradition of innovation in school signage, (for example created new designs for laboratory safety signs some 15 years ago) and our latest schools catalogue has been developed to be particularly user-friendly throughout the school environment.

One such way is the use of friendly fonts and graphics which more easily grabs the attention of the pupils so that they more closely identify with the message. This helps comprehension.

Sign design for a large number of safety signs is more formally required by legislation and/or relevant British Standards. This is necessary to ensure consistency across all possible premises in which they might be used, for example fire exit signs and emergency escape signs.

Outside these sensible constraints, however, some imagination can be brought to bear, which reflects on a school’s individual ethos and style. So, a sign can be chosen from the Stocksigns catalogue or designed by the school, whether or not using our custom signage design expertise and experience, to produce something unique for your school.

Then not only will you have the assurance that you comply with the statutory requirements, you can have a signage system which is a little bit special to your school. You can enlist the creative spirit of the pupils (or even staff) which will give an even greater sense of achievement. For ideas, why not let us send you, if you don’t have one already please request a copy of “The Sign Catalogue“.

Stocksigns is inviting all young artists to design their own school welcome signs. The winning school sign design will be manufactured for FREE at the Stocksigns factory. The designer will be invited along with their class mates and teacher to see their school signs being made. The day will also include a full factory tour where they can see traditional craftsmanship such as silk screen printing along side modern manufacturing methods like large scale digital printing. Entries will be displayed in our online gallery. The competition is open to all children of school age and should be submitted using the downloadable template and sent to Stocksigns, Schools Competition, Ormside Way, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 2LG. Closing date for entries is 31st May 2011.

Good Luck and we look forward to seeing your designs.

School Signs Catalogue

Stocksigns is delighted to announce the launch of their latest range of school safety signs and signs catalogue.

“Signs for Schools” brings together the core school safety signs range, information signs and custom made notice boards and general school signs and signage in an easy guide for schools and colleges. Stocksigns has been working with schools, colleges and universities for many years and as a result the Stocksigns product range within this sector has grown substantially. Their expertise in signage schemes for these environments has also developed. Education establishments span a wide range of audiences from very young pupils in pre-schools to academic staff in universities: Stocksigns can develop sign systems that can cater for the needs of all these different groups.

There are several elements of school signage schemes that can be used to build school identity. These can range from clear branded welcome boards, navigation signs, information signs, down to standard health and safety signs. They all have their part to play in building school identity.

Why do schools need signage?

1. Improves safety inside schools

Keeping students safe inside a school’s premises is the top priority and signage can help support that. This means making sure that health and safety signs are in the appropriate places.

Schools have to make sure that fire alarms, fire exits and other safety signs are clearly displayed, and every classroom and corridor has a sign which directs students to the nearest fire exit and alarms in case of an emergency.

2. Increases punctuality and attendance

Punctuality and attendance is always a concern for school’s because it reduces learning time when students are not in the classroom. Sometimes, the reason for this is because in larger schools, it can take students more time to navigate themselves to the classroom because they either get lost, or are not aware of the quickest routes. A good way to help students get to classrooms quicker is by installing arrow signs to remind students which directions to take.

3. Helps promote core values and the brand

It’s common for schools to promote their core values and brand identity using signage. These are often displayed in the main entrance, in classrooms or on the walls. When promoting core value, the schools have a real opportunity to communicate to potential students and parents, which might reflect their decision to join your school or another. 

What types of signage should be used in schools?

The information for this header is already in the blog. I think this H2 should be at the top, following the list of signs (school welcome signs, navigational, information signs, safety signs etc). Some imagery of these types of signs should be included with internal linking to the products. 

How to improve school safety using signage?

To ensure maximum safety within a schools premises, you need to make sure signs are placed in all the necessary locations where hazards and risks could arise. This includes cleaning signs in toilets, fire hazard signs in kitchens and warning signs in classrooms with chemicals. Here you can find all the school signs you may need. If you’re unsure about the types of signs required, check out ‘Most Common Workplace Safety Signs in the UK’ 

Once you’ve got the signage. You need to make sure that their positioned at the correct height so they’re visible to children and workers. The positioning of the signs must comply with Safety Signs and Signals Regulations 1996. 

School Welcome Signs

The main school entrance signs and welcome boards are your first signage points of contact with staff, children, parents and visitors and are your primary identity builders. If you start with strong images and messages on these boards, these design elements can then be carried throughout the school and grounds on all the remaining signage.

Navigational and Wayfinding School Signs

Your wayfinding signs should carry the same branding elements e.g. school colours and logos etc as your “Welcome” School signs. Directories and wayfinding sign systems aim to make navigation around unfamiliar grounds and buildings as simple as possible. These signs are often the second point of contact after the “Welcome Boards” that people have with your school and first impressions count. As well as the functionality of the sign, design and aesthetics should be considered. School names and logos should be recognised at a glance and directional instructions should be instantly understood. An efficient way finding system will help new students orientate themselves quickly and alleviate some of the anxiety felt by new pupils. If they can find their way round easily from the start they will have a much more comfortable and relaxed start to their time at your school. All these small elements help to build a positive feel to the identity of the school.

Information School Signs

Children’s information signs help to create boundaries and guidelines to keep children safe. By publishing some of the guidelines you advertise your commitment to safety and to children’s personal and social development. Our article on using school and playground signs as teaching aids illustrates how they can be used to promote people skills and relationship building as well as traditional learning. For general information signs and notices use your school colours and keep the font used the same throughout. Even the simplest of information signs benefits from adding your school logo – adding authority to your messages. Use bright 3D Pictorial signs in your premises, these not only soften harsh building environments and add colour but work as teaching aids and can help students with learning difficulties. Use banners not only to advertsise school events in the community but also to celebrate success.

They can be used to display fundraising targets, results or just good news.

School Safety Signs

Safety signs have an obvious purpose – they are used to protect and guide pupils, staff and visitors. There is a legislative obligation to have the correct signage in place. However if you have to have them you may as well get them to work harder and promote your school identity. Add you school logo or name to help create uniformity throughout the school. Use braille sign versions of safety signs to aid your commitment to DDA regulations and children with special needs. Many signage companies will carry our signs site surveys to make sure you are complying with the latest safety sign legislation giving peace of mind to staff and parents.

By careful planning your signs can do so much more, whether replacing worn-out signs or going through a refurbishment make sure every sign you purchase works hard in terms of functionality but also helps reflect your school identity.

Not all learning happens in the classroom! Much of children’s social skills and relationship building occurs on the playground either through organised formal sports and activities or through natural play. Use your school signs to help this natural development.

Playground Rules School Signs

Use playground and school signs to brighten up the surroundings but also to teach children the importance of good citizenship and fair play. Playground rules signs give gentle encouragement and help children develop respect for each other.

More specific school signs can be used for individual activities, sandpit rules and ball game rules signs give detailed instructions of “do’s and don’ts” which can help reduce conflicts that arise through play.

Friendship stops can help to build self esteem, suggesting that it’s OK not to have someone to play with and by going to one of these stops a playground monitor, teacher or fellow pupil will help the child join in with other games or activities. They help to promote new friendships. A “time out stop” gives children the opportunity to calm down after disagreements or quarrels and have some “time out” for quiet reflection before rejoining their friends.

School Signs as Teaching Aids

Of course school and playground signs can be simple information or teaching aids. “Do not drop litter” signs can be used to help teach children the importance of looking after the environment, whilst specific areas of the school, such as a vegetable patch or flower garden, can be marked out with appropriate signage.

For more information about our sign ranges for schools see our new Signs for Schools catalogueor see our standard school signs range online. More information on getting the most from your school signs can be found in our blog post: “School Signs – Building School Identity with Signs”.