Safety organisations are becoming increasingly concerned about those who risk their lives by trespassing in both active and disused quarries. In 2014 alone, there were six fatalities involving members of the public at former quarry sites, all of which were water related.

After these incidents, all to quarry, signage, health & safety o often, their friends and family believe that the victims were not made aware of the risks they were exposing themselves to, and that they thought they were engaged in a harmless bit of fun.

Therefore, it is vital to have large, clear signage in order to not only to deter trespassers, but to also warn of hazardous areas and materials. To deter trespasses and limit liability, signs must be compliant with the latest regulations. They must be visible, clean, clear and concise to be effective.

Stocksigns provides a combination of friendly knowledgeable staff, durable, clear signage and fast delivery to help you keep your site safe and complaint.


Shop our Quarry range now


We can help you to highlight the dangers present in quarries that may not be evident to visitors, especially those who are on your premises without permission or when the site may be closed. This can include:

  • Deep lakes, very cold and with hidden currents – even the strongest swimmers have drowned due to the impact that extreme cold has had on their bodies.
  • Stockpiles of sand have been known to collapse and suffocate people whilst tunnelling or digging holes.
  • Quarry faces have loose rocks and boulders.
  • Machinery and other obstacles can seriously injure people riding mountain or trial bikes.

Free standing shield sign Danger demolition banner

We can offer a range of different signage solutions to suit your needs such as:

• Banners
• Post fix signs
• Free standing shield signs

Danger quarry sign, post fix


Keep your site safe, call us today on 01737 774072 or send an email enquiry to our experienced sales team.

Sometimes a new or temporary building can look our of place in its surroundings, whether it is a bright colour, looks unappealing or just does not simply fit in with the environment.

An effective solution to this aesthetic problem is to camouflage your building in a vinyl wrap of your chosen design to make it fit in more with the environment. For example, a prefab building in the middle of a grassy retreat surrounded by woods, may look messy against the environment. However, with a bit of design and installation this building can be transformed into a log cabin.

For example, on a recent holiday, our sales and marketing director came across this building, which on closer inspection was found to be vinyl wrapped. The design tricks the eye and allows the building to become part of the environment.

It doesn’t just have to be this design either, the beauty of a vinyl wrap is that you can choose any design that you want for your build, as long as it’s repetitive so that the section can join seamlessly. Just think about how wallpaper goes together and take it from there.

Stocksigns can help you design and manufacture vinyl wrap for your building or even for walls within your building in order to provide some inspiration throughout the day. Contact us today for more information on your needs at or on 01737 77 40 72.

In the week that new statistics showed that Londoners are eating more takeaways than ever before, allergy sufferers are urging restaurants and takeaway outlets to do more to show if any allergens are present in their food.

Top chefs have signed up to a new app which shows allergy sufferers where they can eat safely, thought up when the creator’s husband suffered a severe allergic reaction in a Greek restaurant to sesame seeds. The app, Kafoodle Kitchen, information shares between restaurants and the customer with ingredients being uploaded to the cloud based app.

Since new allergen labelling legislation was introduced in December 2014, restaurants, takeaways and other food preparation outlets are required to clearly display ingredients and whether any allergens are present in their food.

Last month it was reported that two-thirds of UK takeaways weren’t up to regulation when it came to displaying information on the top 14 allergens present in food. And with the takeaway industry booming – the UK spends £12 million a week on Domino’s pizza alone – information on allergens is of paramount importance.

While we do have a new range of standard catering signs to help communicate food information simply and clearly, if you are worried about how complying with the law will spoil the ambiance of your establishment, talk to us about bespoke labelling and signage products, we can help you create signage solutions that will ensure you are compliant, will help to build your brand but most of all will help customers to make informed and safe decisions on their food choices.

To talk to one of our Sales Team please call Tel 01737 764764 or email us at

With effect from 13th December 2014, The Food Standards Agency (FSA) in conjunction with DEFRA  introduced new allergen labelling laws, these are the Food Information Regulations EU1169/2011 (FIR Regs). These regulations affect all food service organisations, no matter what their size.

The new food law states that all food service providers serving unpackaged  food or even food that is packaged on site for immediate consumption ( e.g. sandwiches) will have to provide details of any menu items that contain any of the top 14 allergens. Your local Environmental Health Officers will enforce the new regulations and non-compliance will result in very large fines.The new law states:

  • You can no longer state that you don’t know if an allergen is present
  • You can no longer state that all foods ‘could’ contain allergens (I.e. no more this  product ‘may’ contain nuts)
  • Oral statements have to be backed up in writing if requested

Have you done enough? Top Tips For The Food Information Regulations

The FSA has made clear the importance of the new Food Information Regulations and they have now become law but are you really doing enough to help your customers? In recent research carried out in only 8% of food establishments surveyed had the information obviously displayed to the customer. Generally there was little or no instructional guidance as to what the customer should do if concerned about allergens. In a truly customer  centered organisation you should be ensuring their safety and well being and total experience of your service not just paying lip service to this justifiably important law. With 6–8 % of children having a proven food allergy in the UK (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, 2011), this is not an issue that is likely to go away.

Here are our top tips to make sure you are doing enough for the Food Information Allergen Labelling

  • Make sure your staff are all fully trained and confident about their knowledge
  • Make sure you are compliant, read and re-read the regulations
  • Talk to your suppliers, how can they help you, ask for written assurances on their products
  • By all means have the information available on your website but make it accessible in store too
  • Don’t just add to the small print at the bottom of your menus. Make sure it is clear what action your customers should take.

While we do have a new range of standard catering signs to help communicate food information simply and clearly, if you are worried about how complying with the law will spoil the ambiance of your establishment, talk to us about bespoke labelling and signage products, we can help you create signage solutions that will ensure you are compliant, will help to build your brand but most of all will help customers to make informed and safe decisions on their food choices.

To talk to one of our Sales Team please call Tel 01737 77 40 72 or email us at

We often get asked by our customers ‘How do I know how many signs my building needs?’Although there is no hard and fast answer to this, customers must make sure that their building signage is compliant with current the current health and safety legislation.

The number of signs required by a business is dependent on certain factors such as the size of the building, the use of the building and the number of employees and visitors If your building is a commercial premise then you are legally required to undertake a fire risk assessment to allow you to identify any hazards or risks in the building. You can undertake the assessment yourself (if you have expertise or the time to investigate the legal requirements) or you can appoint a fire safety officer. This assessment will allow you to identify fire hazards, identify people who are at risk, devise an emergency plan and evaluate and reduce risks. The fire risk assessment will help you in determining how many signs you require for your building.


How big is the building?

This may be an obvious factor, the larger the building the more signs may be required. How many entrance and exit points does your building have? This will determine how many fire exit signs will be required for example there needs to be a fire exit sign above every doorway where there is more than one exit point. There also needs to be a fire door sign for every fire door in the building.

How complicated is the internal design of the building? This will determine if you require wayfinding signage to help employees and visitors navigate their way around your building.

How is the building used?

The use of your building will also have an impact on the type of signage you require. Certain businesses will have more hazards associated with them for example in a factory environment. There is likely to be heavy machinery which will require hazard signs to highlight risks such as noise and fast moving parts. You will also require mandatory signs to advise what kind of personal protective equipment (PPE) is to be worn such as eye protection.

Is your building open to the general public? If so increased safety signage may be required to highlight risk and dangers to visitors. Increased way-finding signage may be required to safely and efficiently guide visitor traffic through the building.

Who will use the building?

You must also consider the needs of employees and visitors who enter your building. As part of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) there must now be reasonable adjustments to buildings to assist disabled persons. This will range from braille and tactile signage to disabled refuge points. Age is another consideration. Schools will need age appropriate and easy to understand signage, we supply primary and secondary school signs in a range of colours.  Likewise consideration must be given to older generations and people suffering from dementia. We offering a range of 3D pictorial signs which use bold colours and strong images to produce highly recognisable door signs.


So how can you make sure you have the appropriate number of signs?

There are a number of methods you can use to ensure your building has the correct signage. Make sure you include signage in all aspects of your company risk assessments. Wherever a risk has been identified, ask yourself if a sign could help reduce risk, or significantly raise awareness of that risk.

Using building plans and drawings of your premises can provide a systematic method of determining the signage you require; similarly an audit of all the possible routes of access and working spaces can identify problem areas. Our previous post on the top 10 most common safety signs will give you a starting point.

For complete peace of mind we are able to offer a site survey service. We can give expert advice on your buildings specific signage needs to ensure that you are compliant with the latest legislation.

For more information please contact us on 01737 774077 or send us an email.

Every non domestic premise in the UK is governed by safety legislation and as such will have a need for safety signs. Safety signage is a cost effective and efficient way to warn and educate people to the particular risks associated with a building. While there are some signs, such as fire signs, which will be common to all buildings, there are many others which will only be relevant in certain situations. The way to determine the signs needed should be by way of a full risk assessment and perhaps a sign site survey.

Below we have put together our top 10 list of the typical signs likely to be found in businesses and public buildings, but please bear in mind that every building has different requirements and signage should be judged on individual risk assessments.

1. UK Health and Safety Law Poster

For anyone employed, the UK Health and Safety Law Poster must be provided to each worker as a copy of the approved leaflet or equivalent pocket card. The poster must be displayed in a location where it’s visible to workers. On the design of the poster, British health and safety laws are outlined with a list telling workers what employers must do, what employee’s must do and instructions on what to do if there’s a problem.

Health and safety law poster

2. Fire Action Notices 

The Fire Action Notice is to make sure that anyone who is situated in a building has enough information to know what to do if a fire emerges or if they need to evacuate the building. Information that’s typically on these signs include: 

  • The fire services phone number
  • The exit use to leave the building
  • Assembly point locations
  • Further instructions specific to the building 

There are several Fire Action Signs, so it’s necessary to choose the one that is relevant to your premises. If you are responsible for a commercial premises, you must display a Fire Action Notice. It’s best practice to display one next to each Fire Alarm call-point and every final exit door.

Fire action notice

3. Fire Exit and Emergency Escape Signs 

Fire Exit Signs, also known as Fire Escape Signs or an Emergency Exit Sign, direct people in the right direction to exit a building as quickly and safely as possible. These play a key role if a fire was to break out and are a requirement under the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 (HSR) and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order) 2005 (RFSO).

Fire exit sign with arrow pointing up

4. Fire Equipment Signs 

Fire Equipment Signs contain a description for the type of fire extinguisher that’s available and it’s uses. These can be found in different colours, with the most common being red and green. The sign also details what the fire extinguisher can/cannot be used for. This is provide better safety and reduce inappropriate usage. It’s a legal requirement to make sure all fire equipment is easy to access, easy to use with the right instructions in place.

Foam fire extinguisher sign

5. First Aid Signs 

First Aid Signs are necessary to locate and instruct people where first aid equipment is in a building. They sometimes offer further instructions, such as who the first-aider is and instructions for people with disabilities. It’s a legal requirement that anyone responsible for a premises has enough first aid in place to ensure that people are as safe as possible. These signs and procedures should conform to BS 5499.

Your first aiders are here sign

6. No Smoking Signs 

No Smoking Signs are there to inform people that smoking is not permitted because it may pose a fire risk or potential hazard. These signs are a mandatory instruction, meaning that they should be followed at all times. No smoking signs are located in areas where fire risks are identified, so it’s necessary to install prohibition signs to ensure that safety measures are in place. July 2007 saw a total smoking ban in all enclosed public places, work places and certain vehicles in the UK. The smoke free legislation means it is an offence not to display the appropriate No Smoking Signs, resulting in fines up to £1000.

This is a no smoking area sign

7. Slip, trip & fall signs 

Slip, Trip & Fall signs are a legal requirement anywhere a slippery area is not cordoned off. These signs are to help workers and visitors stay safe and reduce the chances of accidents.  Most premises will have routine cleaning operations which may leave areas vulnerable, which is why these signs are essential to have in place. Lightweight stands holding double-sided signs are readily available.

Danger slippery surface sign

8. Obstacle or Dangerous Location Signs 

Most buildings will have localized hazards, the most common of which are trip hazards and low-hanging obstacles. These signs need to be put in place to advise people to be more cautious when in these areas. Trips are the most common cause of injury, which could be avoIded with a ’Mind The Step’ sign.

Mind the step sign

9. Hazardous Substance Signs 

Many workplaces involve some form of contact with hazardous substances, such as painting, hair and beauty salons and medical professions. The types of risks for each industry varies, but it’s important to understand every hazard symbol and the dangerous related to the substances. There are nine hazard symbols commonly used, which are explosiveflammableoxidisingcorrosiveacute toxicity, hazardous to the environmenthealth hazard, serious health hazard and gas under pressure. So if you’re responsible for a workplace that deals with substances, it’s a legal requirement that you complete regular risk assessments and ensure that the correct signage is in place.

Corrosive substance sign

10. Catering Signs 

Most premises have kitchen or catering facilities. So it’s important to have the appropriate signage in place to minimise risks for burns and also hygiene and food safety. If your workplace prepares and serves food, you need to ensure compliance with The Food Standards Agency (FSA) by having the appropriate signage in place. So whether you have a small kitchen for your staff, or a large, well equipped kitchen for your restaurant, we have your signage covered.

First aid for burns poster

We are delighted to to announce that our new 2015 safety signs catalogue and signage guide is out now. We offer you the most comprehensive range of safety signs in the UK, complying with the latest applicable legislation. Our catalogue is considered the benchmark in off the shelf signs. Packed with legislation advice and tips on how to make your signs work hard for you.
This year we have further extended our special supplement range with even more of your favourite products at your favourite prices. The extended supplement brings together even more of the most frequently used safety signs and on top of that we have reduced many of their prices by up to 30%.

Great value and quality with rapid supply and if you don’t see what you need we can design a sign to your own requirements.

Order your safety signs catalogue now

Well the New Year is here, and it’s time to burn off that extra mince pie, so what better way to do that than by giving your premises a safety once over this week. So here is a timely reminder of why you should give your facilities a safety sign MOT.

Time for a safety signs MOT?

As the New Year comes upon us our thoughts often turn to personal improvements we intend to make over the coming year, but one much over looked resolution is the implementation of a regular safety sign audit.

Julian Rowlandson, Director at Stocksigns explains: “If you own a car it is most probable that you obtain and MOT and carry out a routine service to keep your vehicle fully functional and compliant. But few companies, despite their legal obligations to do so, regularly revisit their fire and other mandatory signage. How often does one hear of tragedy caused by fire exit routes not being clear and available for use? Often these oversights maybe associated with changes within business operations and a failure to update signs and safe routes of escape to embrace these operational changes.”

Failing to update your signage as your business changes, could lead to extensive fines or have more serious consequences including prison sentences, personal injuries or even loss of life. These simple inexpensive precautions could help protect your business, staff and visitors.

Read our “Safety Signs Audit” article to learn how to walk your premises and carry our a safety sign audit (you may even burn some calories too)

Merry Christmas from the Stocksigns Group!

The new CLP Legislation is the EU’s adoption of the latest chemical classification system devised by the United Nations.The new European Regulation on Classification, Labeling and packaging of Substances and Mixtures (EC1272/2008), known as CLP Regulation, came into force in January 2009. The first stage of the transition processes covered substances which meant the relabelling of all individual substances by 1st December 2010. The 2nd stage is the inclusion of mixtures which are to be relabelled by 1st June 2015. (However some stocks of products already in the supply chain may be onward supplied without needing to be relabelled for a further 2 years after the deadline)


Why Has the new CLP Legislation been introduced?

Increased international movement of goods has led to a greater focus on the need for standardised labelling. Anomalies existed where, a chemical may have been labelled as toxic in one country but not so in another. In extreme cases some countries didn’t have any labeling classification system at all.

To standardise chemical labeling the United Nations created the Globally Harmonised System (GHS). This worldwide system has been design to protect people and the environment but also to promote international trade.

Individual countries or trading blocks give the GHS legal status. The EU has used the GHS to create CLP, the classification, Labelling and packaging of substances. THis replaces the CHIP Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply)- Regulation. The old orange square CHIP hazard symbols are being replaced  with new pictograms of a red diamond with a white background. These are already being used for single substances and companies have until the 1st June 2015 to comply to the new rules and the labelling of mixtures.

The Nine CLP Pictograms

For the transportation of hazardous goods by road, rail air and sea there are separate legal requirements. For example road transportation through Europe is covered  by ADR, these and the other transport classification systems RID, IMDG, IATA and ICAO have yet to have been adopted into the Globally Harmonised System, so it still may be necessary to use both systems in tandem. It is also unclear at this stage whether ‘Storage Area Marking’ is covered by CLP or still covered by the existing CHIP regulations. We will keep you updated as more details become announced.

One of the most common mistakes we see with the positioning of fire exit signs is the sign above a doorway. The sign that should be used in most instances should be the arrow up, indicating progress forward from here (indicating direction of travel), and in the case of above a door means, progress forward and through from here.

However we commonly see the incorrect fire exit sign with down arrow. While this wrong sign is unlikely to cause too much confusion as to which way someone should go it is technically incorrect. The down arrow fire exit sign means progress down from here, and technically would only be positioned above a door if there was a change of level downwards immediately after the door way.

We do however appreciate that it can be quite confusing, find out more about where to position your fire exit signs here or call us for more advice on 01737 77 40 72

Fire Exit Signs form one of the most important parts of your emergency escape plan, they are used to correctly mark the most efficient escape routes. Careful positioning of the relevant fire exit signs, will assist evacuation in times of emergency. Every building will have it’s own unique layout and seeking advice from experts is always advantages when planning your escape routes. However there are certain common building layouts, that occur time and again and knowing which fire exit signs to place where can save lives.

In this post we cover some of the most common examples

Where should fire door signs be fitted on a door?

Fire door signs should be fitted on doors that are relatively close to eye level, so make sure that they’re as visible as possible. Most signs are fitted at around 1.5m in height, which is most visible for most people.

What height should fire exit signs be?

Fire Exit Signs inshould installed at a suitable height and in a position appropriate to the line of sight, taking account of any obstacles and in a visible location. When mounting the signs, the general requirements are: 

  • Signs mounted above doors should be between 2.0m – 2.5m above the floor.
  • Signs mounted on walls should be mounted between 1.7m and 2.0m above the floor

Do fire doors need signs on both sides?

It’s a requirement for fire doors to feature a ‘’Fire Door Keep Shut’’ sign on both sides of a single door. If using double doors, both doors require signs on both sides.

Fire Exit Signs On Stairs

Option 1: progress down to the right as viewed from in front of the sign. Sign sited on wall of half landing.

Option 2: progress down from here as viewed from in front of the sign. Sign can be suspended from the ceiling or could be mounted on the wall above the stair head.

Fire Exit Signs in Corridors and Building final Exits

Option 1: progress forward and through from here as viewed from in front of the sign positioned above door.

Option 2: progress to the left/right from here. Suspended at change of direction.

Option 3: progress forward and through from here as viewed from in front of the sign. Positioned above the door. Note: Outside the final exit (labelled 3) if the door can be obstructed a ‘Fire Exit Keep Clear‘ sign is needed on the outside of the door. This could be enhanced with the use of bollards or yellow hatching. If the door is the last door before exiting the building you may have a sign that reads ‘fire exit’ without the need for an arrow.

Fire Exit Signs Above doors

Option 1: progress forward and through from here as viewed from in front of the sign. Positioned above the door.

A common mistake here is to have a fire exit sign with the arrow pointing down, which means progress down from here, and technically would only be positioned above a door if there was a change of level downwards immediately after the door way.

Option 2: progress down to the left from here as viewed from in front of the sign. Positioned on the landing.

If you are still unsure of of where to position your fire exit signs please give us a call on 01737 77 40 72 to speak to one of our advisors or to arrange a site survey.

Privacy screens are particularly useful in changing areas, medical rooms and on security or dividing screens. Even when privacy isn’t an issue, they can provide decorative features, which can enhance a building’s overall interior design.

If you have glass partitioned meeting rooms or private offices within a large mostly open plan office area then carefully placed manifestation films on the glass can help create private areas. They can be used to create ‘work zones’, departments or even break-out and meeting areas.

Hospitals and medical facilities with corridors, used for patient transfer, can benefit  from frosted half panels. Manifestations, including frosted and printed vinyls can be used on any glazed panel and can be created to maintain maximum light levels while protecting privacy.

Company logos are often included for branding but advertising material can be included by creating semi

transparent designs. Striking designs can be created by leaving areas uncovered. These designs can also be functional as seen in the cloakroom example (bottom left). For simple glass highlighted glass privacy films, the vinyls used come in a range of transparencies and decorative finishes.

For more information contact us

Stocksigns has introduced a new range of electronic cigarettes signs. While the debate rages on about whether electronic cigarettes will save lives or lead to non-smokers becoming potential smokers, one thing is for sure they are here to stay (for the time being anyway, although The World Health Organisation, is campaigning to have the use of electronic cigarettes outlawed in public places).

Current no smoking legislation does not cover electronic cigarettes and it is at present up to individual companies to decide on their own policies. During this transition period, and while legislation catches up, we are now offering a range of electronic cigarettes signs. Four new electronic cigarettes signs have been created allowing different combinations of regular no smoking and electronic cigarette permissions. These signs are now available from our web shop, or you can call our Sales Team on 01737 77 40 72 for more details.

Glass Manifestation and Building regulations 2000: Part M

It is a health and safety requirement to apply manifestations to glass doors, glass partitions and screens. If you have full height glass in windows, doors or building partitions, they must be marked correctly with glass manifestation to make sure the solid glass is evident.

What is a glass manifestation?

Glass manifestation is designed to help make glass obvious and reduce injuries by preventing people from walking into the glass. Manifestations are usually two rows of 50mm or 75mm white or frosted dots on the glass at heights of 1500mm and 800mm from the floor.

As long as the sizes and height positions of the manifestations are inline with these guidelines any shapes including company logos will satisfy this health and safety requirement. Large panels in etched or printed film with cut out clear spaces can also satisfy these regulations. Which gives a rare opportunity to apply creativity when adhering to your health and safety obligations.

What are the glass manifestation regulations in the UK?

The building Regulations 2000: Part M give guidelines on how glass entrances and screens can satisfy these regulations.


2.24 Glass entrance doors and glazed screens will satisfy Requirement M1 or M2 if: 

a. they are clearly defined with manifestation on the glass at two levels, 850 to1000mm and 1400 to 1600mm above the floor, contrasting visually with thebackground seen through the glass (both from inside and outside) in all lighting conditions;

 b. manifestation takes the form of a logo or sign at least 150mm high (repeated if on a glazed screen), or a decorative feature such as broken lines or continuous bands, at least 50mm high;


any glazed screens alongside a corridor are clearly defined with manifestation the glass at two levels, 850 to 1000mm and 1400 to 1600mm, contrasting visually with the background seen through the glass in all lighting conditions (see 2.24(b) for details of manifestation).

Further considerations for the visually impaired should be included

2.22 People with visual impairment should be in no doubt as to the location of glass entrance doors, especially when they are within a glazed screen. The choice of a different style of manifestation for the door and the glazed screen can help to differentiate between them.

Further guidelines are covered by Regulation 14 of the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. The Regulation requires that every window or other transparent or translucent surface in a wall, partition, door or gate should, where necessary for reasons of health or safety, be of a safety material or be protected against breakage of the transparent or translucent material; and be appropriately marked or incorporate features to make it apparent.

Regulation 14 also says that glazing in critical locations must be marked, or incorporate appropriate design features, to make its presence apparent – the objective being to avoid breaking the noses of people who might otherwise walk into the glazing, not realising it was there.

The Regulation only expects action ‘where necessary for reasons of health or safety’. So you need to assess every window or other transparent or translucent surface in a wall, partition, or door or gate to establish whether there is a risk of anyone being hurt if people or objects come into contact with it, or if it breaks.

Stocksigns offers a large range of hazard warning signs to help you fulfil your health and safety obligations.

related post “How to apply vinyl graphics”

Toilet signs and signage for conveniences are amongst the most frequently requested products and because our signs fall into many different styles and ranges we have bought together all of our toilet and bathroom signs into a new compact guide.

Signs need to complement your premises, whatever the style and with prices to match your budget. Whether you are looking for designs to enhance your interior decoration or looking for practical utility signs to help manage your facilities efficiently, choose signs that do the job.

You may need to communicate with a wide range of audiences, choose symbol only signs or signs translated into different languages. Do you have to consider audiences with special needs? signs can be made to help you comply with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), signs using Braille or 3D pictorial signs for those with memory loss or learning difficulties.

Can’t find the signs you need? get custom-made signage that fulfil your requirements. A reputable sign company will work with customers to create workable designs that help form part of the interior’s design. Take into account, the overall feel of your premises, building use, trafic flow and viewing angles to develop signage designs that are stylish and functional without exceeding budget.

To get a copy of our guide please send an email to

What makes a Wayfinding Project Work?

The key to making signage work is to involve your manufacturer from a very early phase in the planning process.

Stocksigns work with architects and principle contractors from the early design stages to try and avoid costly mistakes later on. As members of the HSSA, Stocksigns regularly carry out signage projects in both large and complex premises.

Including signage at the beginning of a project enables you to create a signage scheme that works hard for the investment. It enables development of signage that fulfils a number of functions; brand building, information, continuity, safety and way-finding all while displaying a sympathetic design to complement a premises’ overall ambience.

In today’s multilingual society, accurate, clear and engaging signage is even more important. Good clear signage should be instantly recognised, regardless of nationality, age or ability. Audiences should always be carefully considered and included in your brief with your signage contractor. Special thought should be given for DDA requirements; should Braille or products designed for Dementia patients be included?

Equally, if a building is littered with signs this can often be counter intuitive. Poorly conceived wayfinding actually hinders and confuses, while on an aesthetic level it’s important to complement the architecture.

Watch our video on wayfinding design tips

In order to find their way, people need to be able to see your wayfinding signage. Where are your signs to be viewed from? Make signs easy to see and easier still to read. Situate them at people’s eye line or in places they just can’t miss. Greater distances will need larger text sizes, but your choice of font and colours will also make a difference to viewing distances. Go for clear fonts with high contrasting colours for clarity. When planning your way-finding scheme it is best to physically walk the route, obstructions such as trees and other signage are often not marked on flat plans.

For more information please call our sales team 01737 77 40 72 or email on

Door signs and nameplates are often overlooked in a new build or company revamp, often considered a small detail that is left to the last minute to sort out. This post is a reminder of how careful planning early on in the project can help you avoid costly mistakes.

office door slider sign

Internal office door signs can be customised with your logo or company fonts. They create a unified design throughout the whole building and help reinforce your company or brand values. Stocksigns can offer you a huge variety of internal door signs in signage materials including engraved wooden or metal signs such as brass, plastics, glass and layered effects, many have matching interior panels, signposts and external signs. contact us to discuss your ideas, and how we can guide you towards the best solution for your building. There are so many off the shelf and custom made door signs designs to choose from by asking yourself some simple questions at the start you can make sure you choose the right scheme for you.

Here are some factors to think about when choosing your customised internal door signs:

  • Corporate Values – What sort of image do you want to project?
  • Uniformity – Do you want the same look throughout your building?
  • Environment – Do your signs need to stand up to a lot of wear and tear?
  • Flexibility – Do you need to change the names on yours doors frequently?
  • Cost – Stocksigns can help you find the signs to fit your budget and show you how to mix and match with stock signs.
  • Accessibility – Do you want to consider any special needs of your customers or staff?

Office Door Sign

signage manufacturer

Concerns have been raised about the deadly state of Britain’s building sites as contractors prepare to cash in on the industry’s emergence from recession.

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Get Surrey
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Get Surrey
“Because they’re not using the main entrance – which is quite safe and secluded – children are bolting out of the back gates and into the road,” he said.

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Play it safe as you enjoy the warm-water season
The Olympian
Swimming is good for you and your health, but any body of water can turn from fun to deadly if you or someone you’re with can’t swim well.


Stocksigns Group‘s insight:


For more in on water safety this summer, please read our “Water Safety Signs” blog post.