The Stocksigns Team and Friends have been at it again, we have climbed every mountain and I can confirm the hills were alive with the Sound of Music! The Jurassic Coast Quest took place on the 10th and 11th of July we hiked 50 miles and climbed just under 9000ft of elevation.
Our chosen charity for this year is The Children’s Trust. The UK’s leading charity for children with injury. Based in Tadworth (local to our Stocksigns HQ) the Trust runs a range of specialist care, education and therapy services for children and young people from across the UK and the UK’s largest rehabilitation centre for children with acquired brain injury (ABI)
Day 1
Start time: 6 am
Distance: 24 miles
Elevation: 3310.ft
Time: 7h 51m
We woke up bright and early to the sound of rain hitting our tents… it was damp and dull! Our support crew drove us to our start point in Charmouth where we exctidely jumped off the bus, and headed towards our first climb. At this point, the heavens opened again and it looked like a storm was brewing. Apparently there was some amazing scenery, but sadly we couldn’t see any of it through the thick fog and rain! By the time we had arrived at Chesil Beach, we were greeted with rays of sunshine and blue skies just in time for a re-fuelling stop.
It was sunshine and smiles for miles for some of us after that. A fair few feet and knees were now starting to suffer which was understandable as we had climbed the same elevation as Mt Snowdon.
Day 2
Start time: 6 am
Distance: 26 miles
Elevation: 5639ft
Time: 8h 33m
Another early start in the rain and day two was feeling much tougher from the moment we set off compared to Day 2, although this may be in our heads because we knew Captain Cload had chosen a much more difficult route! The lack of sleep with all the aches and pains were starting to show as the team set off from our campsite and were immediately faced with the first hill. We got to the top only to see that we needed to go straight back down the other side, which became the theme of the next 8 hours. The hills were so steep that some of us preferred to walk up the hills instead of down them to save our poor knees. This was just the beginning of our non-stop steep climbs along the cliffs.
We made it to Durdle Door as a full group but sadly after that we did lose a couple of crew members (they didn’t drop off the side of cliffs, they were picked up by our fabulous support crew) their feet and knees were in bits.We passed Lulworth Cove and Chapmans Cove then stopped for a quick refuel and a few new blister plasters from the new blisters that we had picked up. Then it was time for the final 10 miles. Where the heavens opened up once again, but we were not about to let anything rain on our parade! We had singing, football chants and music quizzes. It helped bring in the final 10 miles of hills. No wonder day 2 was such a challenge we had hiked almost two Scarfell Pike elevations.
As we approached our finish line, we could see the support crew and fellow walkers cheering for us. We hydrated with a glass of celebratory fizz and took our final team photo of the walk.
There was no rest that evening as the team headed straight out to watch England bring the football home! However, the football did not come home that weekend, but Stocksigns Ltd and friends certainly did! With a whopping amount of money raised for the Children’s Trust Tadworth.
We are so pleased and proud to share with you that we raised over £8,000 for the Children’s Trust in Tadworth.
Thank you all for your support and donations, this fantastic amount of money, and will go a long way in helping this fantastic charity.